Food and beverage menus as a marketing tool

Food and beverage menus as a marketing tool. They are much more than just a list of what’s on the menu: they inspire your guests, introduce your guests to the concept of your business and can make a decisive contribution to how your guests perceive it. Although it is often forgotten it is an important marketing tool! A well-designed food or beverage menu is simply part of any restaurant, café or bar, as the menu contributes to the important first impression in addition to the facilities. Choose the most suitable one for you!

Direct paper insertion

Food menus with quick-change inner leaves. They are designed for direct insertion of paper without plastic covers. You insert the menu into the black office rail and it is then inserted into the ticket. These tickets can be made from both coated materials and wood.

Screw binding

Food and beverage menus with inner binding and screws. Possibility of direct insertion of menu papers or inserting the menu into screwed plastic or cardboard packaging. Outer covers can also be made of wood.

Inserting under the rubber band

Menus with folding paper or inner papers under the rubber band. Quick menu exchange. Rubber band can be incorporated into hard boards, flexible and wooden menus.

Tightly glued papers

Food menus with firmly glued inner sheets for paper folding. Inner sheets are laminated cardboard with either die-cut corners or a window for menu insertion.

Production of modern food and beverage menus. A menu not only shows which dishes are available and at what price, but also reinforces your brand and your image. Therefore, you should not underestimate the menu as a marketing tool! The menu offers space to highlight the special environment of your establishment or to highlight special services. For example, do you organize weddings or large birthday parties? Or is your restaurant a former brewery? Do you get your raw materials exclusively from regional production? Share your philosophy with your guests, you will help them create an individual relationship with the gastronomy you offer.

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The production of your chosen menu takes approx. 10-14 working days from confirmation. If you need food menus faster, please contact us. 

Výroba jedálnych a nápojových lístkov pre hotely a reštaurácie, gp-menu

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Board menus

jedálne a nápojové lístky pre hotely a reštaurácie, gp-menu

Additions tomenus